Sunday 8 September 2024

Preparation for the coming season

 It's September 8, and the temperature outside this morning is +5. That's cool! Time to start thinking about the coming ski season.

Over the past couple of months, I've been doing the usual summer maintenance on the trails, which mostly consists of cutting the grass. But I've also added a new trail to our network. It's in the relatively flat area in the central part of our trail system, and it runs from west to east, intersecting 7 other trails along the way. The most easterly part of it, where it intersects the Mainline trail, has a very nice, gentle to moderate downhill on it, which I think is going to be fun to ski. Time will tell; we need some snow first, so that we can give it a try.

Friday 19 April 2024

Season Wrap-Up

 I'm sure you know by now that our ski season is finished. It was not a very good one. The first day of skiing for me was Nov. 29, 2023 and the last day of skiing was April 5, 2024. In between those dates, there were a few days of good skiing, a bunch of days when skiing was possible but not good, and a lot of days when it was not possible to ski at all.

In total, I skied 44 days this season. (Many of these days were not good skiing, just tolerable) Last year, the total was 52. The year before, I skied 79 days! There seems to be a trend here, and it's not a good one.

I've been doing a couple of things to try to maximize our skiing pleasure in the future.

First, toward the end of this past season, I acquired a very old, used ski trail groomer from Mono Nordic Ski Club. It's called a Tidd Tech Trail Tenderizer. It had been used very hard, and needed a number of repairs and replacement of worn-out parts. I've done that work, and the groomer is ready for next season.

The Tidd Tech grooms the same width as my old, home-made groomer - basically a 4 foot platform with a 6 inch transition on each side. It has two advantages over my old groomer. The most important is that it has the ability to handle hard-packed, crusty or icy snow. Across the front, there are 2 rows of very aggressive steel teeth that can be lowered into the snow and break up the hard stuff. The other advantage is that it enables me to start and stop track-setting, depending on the terrain, and the transition from one mode to the other is quite easy.

The other job I've been working on since the snow melted is something I call "daylighting". There are a few places where a trail passes through a dense stand of conifers, and the thick canopy of branches overhead intercepts falling snow, preventing it from reaching the ground. These places always have thinner snow cover, and are the first spots to turn icy when there is a short warm spell. I've been pruning overhanging branches high up in the trees, or in some cases removing entire trees, so that you can see daylight directly above the trail. At the same time, I'm being careful not to allow too much sunshine penetration from the south, to prevent snow from being melted on sunny days toward the end of the season. I will be doing more of this as I prepare for next season.

Hopefully, next season will have more snow and fewer days with above-freezing temperatures. Whatever happens, I will do the best I can with what we get.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Disappearing Act

 Well, we had about 2 hours of decent skiing yesterday. Although the air temperature topped out at -1, the sunshine was powerful and caused a lot of melting. We still have a very thin snow cover, but there are many bare spots. I do not recommend skiing today.

Saturday 23 March 2024

We Have Snow

 Yesterday's snowfall amounted to about 10 cm. Skiing is not bad. If you are looking for one last opportunity to get in some skiing in this dismal non-winter, then this is probably it. This will not last very long.

I will groom some trails in the southern and central sections of the network first thing this morning.

9 a.m. Update: I've groomed everything in the central area, and a couple of routes from there down to the 5 Sideroad. Skiing is nice.

1 p.m. Update: Well, I said it wouldn't last long, and it hasn't. Today's strong sunshine has been too warm for our thin snow cover. Sunny spots have started to melt away, and the snow has become quite wet and sticky. Skiing is no longer very enjoyable.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Still Closed

 Yesterday's forecast suggested that we might receive a significant snowfall from squalls in the afternoon and overnight. That snowfall did not materialize. We received perhaps 1 or 2 cm of new snow. It is not enough to make skiing possible again. Trails remain closed.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Trails Closed

 We lost a lot of snow yesterday, and we are going to lost a lot more today, with sunshine and +10 temperature. There are now too many bare spots for skiing. Trails are closed.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Shrinking Snow

 With bright sunshine and +4 yesterday, we lost a lot of snow. Bare spots and icy patches are showing up in many places. Warm weather today and tomorrow is going to take away a lot more snow.

As of right now (7 a.m.), at a temperature of -1, it is still possible to ski, but it's not going to last long.