Friday, 17 January 2025

Beautiful Skiing, Right Now

 Right now, the ski conditions are very good. We had a light to moderate snowfall for much of the day yesterday, resulting in 3 or 4 cm of new snow. Trails were groomed yesterday afternoon, between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. We've received 1 cm of new snow after the grooming, so there is a soft powder surface over a firm base.

But things could change very quickly, as a new weather system passes through. The current temperature is -4, and the forecast high is -2. If it goes any higher than that, we will begin to see a deterioration in the snow. Tomorrow will probably see a temperature above 0, but will also bring some new snow. Fortunately, it looks like the warm period will be very brief.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Another Day, Another Centimetre

 Ski conditions remain good, as we received another centimetre of snow yesterday. If I have time later today, I may tidy up the grooming. The temperature is -8 and there is some wind today, so it feels colder.

 Depending on which forecast you look at, the temperature may get up to near or above the freezing mark tomorrow and Saturday. That would be bad news for us, as it would transform our soft powder surface into an icy crust. Let's hope it stays below the 0 mark.

The northern trails are closed due to timber harvesting.

11 a.m. Update: We have had a very persistent "snow flurry" this morning, which has brought us a couple of cm of new snow. Grooming will be deferred until after the snowfall has ended.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Another Nice Day

 I cleaned up drifted areas with the groomer yesterday morning. Since then, we've received 1 to2 cm of new soft powder; just enough to freshen up the surface, but not fill in the set tracks. And this fresh snow has great glide.

In spite of the fact that Environment Canada says it is -13 outside (they are measuring it at Elora), my thermometer says -9. The high should be -5 or -6.

It's another day that rates an 8 out of 10.

Northern trails are still closed due to logging.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Good Skiing

 We received about 5 cm of snow yesterday. I groomed all trails in the afternoon, finishing about 3:30 p.m. This included track-setting wherever it is appropriate. Generally, this grooming is still looking good this morning.

We've had a little additional snow overnight, so there is around 1 cm of powder on top of the groomed surface. There are also a few areas that got drifted in, due to the strong westerly winds last night.

Overall, these are probably the best skiing conditions we've had so far this year. I give it 8 out of 10.

It's cool this morning, at -10, so the glide is a bit slow.

Please remember that all the northern trails are closed due to logging.

Monday, 13 January 2025

A Little More Snow

Snow is falling right now, and based on the weather radar, it looks like it will continue for at least an hour. This is a good news/bad news situation. Of course it's good to get more snow; we need it to increase the depth of our snow base. But the snow that is falling this morning is that sticky kind of snow that forms big clumps on the bottom of your skis and prevents you from gliding. This is because the current temperature is just below 0.

The weather forecast says the temperature will drop to -4 by this afternoon, and that should remedy the sticky situation. In the meantime, you can only ski on this stuff if you apply a very good glide wax to the bottom of your skis.

Noon Update: It has continued snowing all morning, and we have picked up an additional 5 cm of snow. Based on radar, it looks like the snowfall will end in about one hour, although blowing and drifting will continue, as the wind has picked up from the west.

Once the snowfall has ended, I will get out and groom the new snow.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Looks like a nice day to ski

 The grooming of yesterday's new snow turned out very well, and it's still looking good this morning. We have a comfortable temperature of -4, with a forecast high of -2. (Hopefully it won't go any higher than that)

Conditions are probably the best they have been so far this season. I would give it a 7 out of 10.

Remember that northern trails are all closed due to logging operations.

I enjoyed talking with a number of skiers on the trails yesterday. A few skiers have asked about making a contribution to the upkeep of the trails. There is a donation box fastened to the back side of the large sign kiosk at the parking lot. It's a rusty grey repurposed electrical box. If you would like to make a donation (totally voluntary) toward the maintenance of the trails, you can put something in the box, and it would be much appreciated.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

New Snow

 We've received about 4 cm of new snow. It's still snowing lightly, but the snowfall appears to be nearly finished. I will start grooming soon. Conditions should be good when I'm done.

8:30 a.m. Update: Trails have been groomed and are skiing nicely. It's still snowing lightly, so there will be a bit of loose powder on the surface.

Southern and central trails only are open. Northern trails are closed due to logging.