

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

October 21 - getting ready

 Well folks, we're into the latter part of October, and it may not be long until the snow is flying. I've been getting ready, by mowing grass, chopping down weeds, clearing fallen trees, correcting cross slopes on some trails, and building a couple of new trail sections.

The two major projects I've undertaken since last ski season are:

- a new trail link, about 200 metres in length, connecting the North Plateau trail to the Mainline trail, up at the north end of the network. This one will be called the Plateau Extension, and will give skiers a different way of exiting, or entering the North Plateau loop.

- a revised route for the Tamarack trail, near the south end, making it 30m longer, and adding a small hill for more interest and challenge.

Plateau Extension trail, May 2020

I will be putting up signage during the month of November, with a goal of having everything done by December 1. With Covid travel restrictions in place this year, I will not be travelling to any far-flung ski destinations, so I will be onsite and able to groom throughout the winter.
Let's hope we have lots of snow, and very little warm weather!