For the first time in several days, we do not have any new snow to report. But that's OK because we now have plenty. All trails were groomed yesterday, and for the most part, that grooming is still looking good. There are some spots that are drifted in as a result of yesterday's high winds. I will not be grooming today, as I have other commitments.
It's currently -11 here, with a forecast high of -2. Hopefully it won't go higher than that. Looking ahead, there are a couple of days coming up, where the temperature may get a bit too warm. Friday's forecast high is around 0, followed by a very cold Saturday, and then near 0 again on Sunday. We'll have to wait and see what impact this has on our snow.
If you come to ski, please remember that most of the northern trails are still closed due to damage from logging operations. The furthest northwest that you can ski is the intersection of #14 and #1a.