Snow is falling right now, and based on the weather radar, it looks like it will continue for at least an hour. This is a good news/bad news situation. Of course it's good to get more snow; we need it to increase the depth of our snow base. But the snow that is falling this morning is that sticky kind of snow that forms big clumps on the bottom of your skis and prevents you from gliding. This is because the current temperature is just below 0.
The weather forecast says the temperature will drop to -4 by this afternoon, and that should remedy the sticky situation. In the meantime, you can only ski on this stuff if you apply a very good glide wax to the bottom of your skis.
Noon Update: It has continued snowing all morning, and we have picked up an additional 5 cm of snow. Based on radar, it looks like the snowfall will end in about one hour, although blowing and drifting will continue, as the wind has picked up from the west.
Once the snowfall has ended, I will get out and groom the new snow.
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