Tuesday 1 December 2020

December 1 - Snow has returned

 Day 2 of skiing this season. We've received between 10 and 15 cm of snow since yesterday afternoon, and it's still snowing. The forecast predicts an additional 10 to 15 cm will fall today and tonight. Because the precipitation started as rain, the base layer is very wet. I will make a first pass over the trails with the roller this morning, so that skis will ride on top of the snow rather than sinking down to the bottom.

11:30 a.m. update: The entire network, with a couple of tiny exceptions, has now been rolled for the first time. Snow continues to fall, and the temperature is just below freezing. There are a few thin spots, and a few areas where moisture is soaking through from the bottom. The worst spot for moisture is on Mainline between #1a and the north junction of #3. Hopefully, now that it's been packed, the wet area will freeze and be covered by the new snow.

Mainline trail in central area of network

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dave! Had a great time yesterday! Merci! Alex :)
