Thursday 10 February 2022

Feb. 10 - Tricky conditions

 Yesterday's high temperature was +4 with sunshine, so the snow definitely started to melt. We've dropped to -1 now, so that snow has re-frozen into an icy, granular texture. We're now getting some flurries of new, wet snow which tends to be slow and sticky. Result: difficult conditions for skiing.

The forecast says today's temperature will just reach 0 and then begin to fall this afternoon, with flurries continuing; so things might improve late in the day, but it's impossible to know for sure.

UPDATE, 5 P.M. Our temperature did indeed drop this afternoon. Once it was clearly below 0, I got out with the Piranha and scarified most of the trails. This broke up the icy crust and left a small amount of loose snow on the surface. So the skiing right now is slightly improved, and we have a better base for the snow that will hopefully come tomorrow.

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